How to Assess the Quality of an Emergency Pothole Repair Job

The pressure to fix emergency potholes often doesn’t allow enough time for a thorough inspection. Finding the best solution without fully understanding the situation can be challenging. However, certain tricks help you quickly address the problem. Whether it’s a street, parking lot, or driveway, you can immediately apply the proper repair process.

Smoothness of the Surface

A smooth and even surface is the hallmark of a well-repaired area. When repairing potholes, ensure they don’t feel uneven or rough. If the surface is uneven, it likely means the material wasn’t packed properly, which increases the chances of cracks and future potholes.

So, during repairs, make sure the surface is smooth, and even, and leaves no space for water to seep in. For commercial parking lot paving, smoothness is especially crucial to prevent long-term damage.

Durability Under Pressure

One of the key features of a well-repaired pothole is its ability to withstand pressure. If a pothole was fixed recently but the repair is already starting to sink, it’s likely because the base wasn’t properly prepared or the material used wasn’t strong enough.

Good repairs should endure weather changes, heavy traffic, and other stresses, ensuring longevity for the repaired surface. A solid base is essential, particularly in jobs requiring residential asphalt paving contractor expertise.

Defined Edges

You can’t overlook the importance of the edges when repairing potholes. The place where old edges meet new ones is where the strength of the repair is decided. But how do you ensure that this gap is filled properly?

One way is to make sure there is no noticeable gap between the edges. This prevents water from seeping in, freezing, or expanding, which can lead to further damage.

The Right Material and Methods

Pothole repairs generally fall into two categories: quick fixes and long-term repairs. The materials used for each vary. For a quick fix, cold mix asphalt is often the best option, while for a long-term solution, hot mix asphalt is more appropriate.

Based on the type of repair needed, ensure that the correct materials are being used. This is especially important for projects involving jobs proper methods ensure lasting results.

About ER Snell:

E.R. Snell specializes in providing exceptional asphalt and repair services throughout Georgia. The company is known for residential, commercial, or large-scale highway projects. It also provides heavy equipment operator jobs, and similar construction sector jobs.

For more information, visit


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